Saturday, August 25, 2012

myself, don't be afraid

I don't know what happened and what is so strange in me, but now i just feel how my minds and opinions are changing: it's crazy, unpredictable, insane, but that's unbelievable-i just falling in love with all is happening to me- people, environment, tastes, colors, good and bad feelings, laughing friends also what everybody seem to be afraid of-difficulties- everything makes me full and happy in interesting way right now.

Today is perfect weather and it's enough to feel how every part of your skin is breathing and make you open your mind  for the world.
That's how you  aren't passing by this moment like a stranger - that's how you live.

And what's important, i am not usual person and i never stopped being myself-even if it's ridiculious, i feel awesome, so before critisizing, ask yourself- are you strong enough to be yourself and enjoy crazyness of your mind?!